Kenwood Academy Jazz Band directed by Gerald Powell performed with pianist Jason Moran at the world premiere of his "Looks of a Lot" concert in Orchestra Hall at Chicago Symphony Center in May, 2014, and at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, D.C., in February of 2017. A documentary video from the project produced by John Owens won the Emmy Award in Chicago/Midwest region in 2015.
Members of the Kenwood Academy jazz band directed by Gerald Powell celebrate after performing the world premiere of "Looks of a Lot," a concert at the Symphony Center, with pianist Jason Moran and his Bandwagon trio.
The Kenwood Academy jazz band practices in the music room with director Gerald Powell in preparation for a concert of of "Looks of a Lot" with pianist Jason Moran at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, D.C.
Pianist Jason Moran conducts a rehearsal of "Looks of a Lot," with the Kenwood Academy jazz band in the music room at school in preparation for a concert at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, D.C.
Pianist Jason Moran at rehearsal with members of the Kenwood Academy jazz band, directed by Gerald Powell, before a performance of "Looks of a Lot" at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.